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Friday 24 June 2011

Interesting Times From an Uranian Astrologer

Neptune, I would say, is the most misunderstood planet. Some would refer to it as the planet of spiritually, and mysticism. I, on the other hand, refer to Neptune as the big deceiver that turns us into con artists and illusionists -- that have to pay the piper when Saturn comes around to get into the game, like now.
I have found that as Neptune goes retrograde its veil of deception begins to crack, and when it goes direct again the emperor's new clothes are revealed and this scammer stands as naked as a jay bird. Neptune had gone retrograde June 3rd two days after a solar eclipse. It's clear to see Neptune at work as a new can of worms has been opened with the Wiener photo scandal.
Previously an individual had a certain amount of anonymity on the internet. Now, with face book and twitter what you put out there comes back to haunt you big time.
Before I go forward with this, I want to take you back to April 23rd when mercury went direct opposite Saturn. Until Mercury goes retrograde again in August, we are living under the influence of Mercury/Saturn. Look at all the scandals that came to light since Mercury went direct: Dominigue Strauss-Kahn, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and now as Neptune was going retrograde, Anthony Wiener.
On Sunday June 12, Saturn will go direct and the cosmic bill collector will be out, demanding payment for unwise deeds done and wise deeds left undone.
On June 1, we had a solar eclipse at 11 Gemini 02, Venus/Kronos was midpoint Pluto and Uranus, and Hades was only minutes away for 0 cardinal. The world heard about a very narcissistic political leader who had aspirations of becoming the next Mayor of New York City. He sent pictures of himself on twitter that had sexual overtones. What makes it so funny is that he is funny! I guess that is the Neptune station retrograde. Then Saturn stations and he gets slapped down because this solar eclipse squared the midpoint of his Sun Uranus and semi-squared his natal Venus, and Neptune stationed retrograde conjunct his Saturn. This person is Anthony Weiner and his birth date is September 4, 1964, Queens, New York, time unknown.
As Saturn will go direct at the midpoint of Mars and Admetos, there will be a decrease of work. Many projects come to a standstill and the unemployment numbers should go up again. It also means your actions are etched in stone especially since Saturn is going direct with Hades on the cardinal axis. Hades on the cards means your dirty laundry is flapping in the wind and will be talked about for a very long time. On the day Saturn goes direct Mercury will be conjunct the Sun and the midpoint between Saturn and Sun Mercury equals the Moon. This combo says face it, the gig is up and take your lumps. The public will not be able to close their eyes to what is going on any longer. And, if the public wants things to change they will have to speak up.
Then, on June 15, three days after Saturn goes retrograde we have a lunar eclipse of 24 degrees 23 minutes of Gemini/Sag. and semi-square Poseidon. After what had come to light this past month or so many couples will be looking for insight into their relationships to see if there is any hidden signs of trouble. At the same time Hades will be on the cardinal axis 22-1/ÂŽ2 to Venus, as Hades cardinal axis is midpoint lunar eclipse and Kronos. There will be more sexual secrets coming to light that will be used against them at the appropriate time. This planetary picture also indicates sex crimes are on the rise due to police cut backs.
On July 1, we will experience another solar eclipse at 9 Cancer 30 squaring Saturn with a tiny degree orb, and this Saturn will be 135 to Anthony Weiner's Jupiter. He most likely lost his bid to be Mayor long before the candidate process starts.
On a more mundane note this solar eclipse will be 22 1-2 to the midpoint of Mercury and Venus. It is summer vacation. At this time, many will be making party plans for the 4th of July weekend. My suggestions to you is keep the costs down as the Pluto/Uranus midpoint will be the midpoint of Saturn and the cardinal axis, as Pluto will be midpoint Saturn and Hades. The financial picture will be unstable, and if not careful and you give into your urges, things can turn out ugly - as the Venus/Uranus midpoint will be Hades. Then, ten days after the solar eclipse, Uranus will go retrograde, and the Uranus Pluto midpoint will be at the midpoint of Saturn and the cardinal axis. On July 13th Venus will be squaring Saturn, with a bad financial picture as Mars will be 135 to Neptune. This planetary picture indicates financial losses due to some destructive deceptions. On the morning of July 15th, there will be a full moon at 22 degree 28 minutes of Cancer/Capricorn, which is on the cardinal axis. In the evening of the same date, Mercury will be semi-square Uranus. Something weird will hit the airwaves. I think hurricane winds will blow. It looks like we will have a very intense hurricane season - and that it will start early.

Diabetes in Astrology

Diabetes is a metabolic disorder of the endocrine gland pancreas. When we eat, the pancreas automatically produces the appropriate amount of insulin to break down the sugar into glucose which is the main source of energy.
Diabetic people's pancreas either produces little or no insulin, hence excess glucose build up in the blood which overflows into the urine. In this way the body loses its main source of energy and subsequently becomes weak.
In astrology by the careful examination of the horoscope, it is possible to predict the susceptibility to the disease diabetes.
Astrological factors influencing diabetes are:
  • Ascendant: the general build up and strength of physical body
  • Venus: rules kidney, suppression of urine
  • Moon: rules pancreatic action and blood flow, urinary derangement
  • Jupiter: arteries, veins, degeneration, diabetes
  • Sign cancer: rules pancreas, blood
  • Sign Libra: rules kidneys,and excretory system
  • Sign Sagittarius: arterial system
  • 6th house: house of disease
Planetary combination's which cause diabetes are:
  • Venus afflicted by Sun/Mars in watery signs.
  • Venus and Jupiter are afflicted by malefic and a malefic planet is posited in 8th house gives diabetes.
  • Malefic Venus placed in ascendant/inauspicious house.
  • Venus and Jupiter are afflicted by malefic and a malefic is posited in the ascendant.
  • Venus combined with a malefic in 8th house and also aspected by a malefic.
  • Ascendant is afflicted by malefic and its lord is in depression/set/hammed between malefic/inimical sign and Venus placed/aspect 8th house causes diabetes.
  • Venus placed in 2nd house, ascendant is aspected by malefic and lord of ascendant placed in 6th house in the state of debilitation.
  • Moon afflicted by Sun/Mars in watery sign.
  • Moon is heavily afflicted by Saturn
  • Moon in a watery sign and that's sign lord placed in 6th house again aspected by a watery sign planet indicates diabetes.
  • Moon placed in a watery sign and lord of that sign is placed in 6th house and aspected by Mercury [which is placed in watery sign].
  • Moon and Jupiter are afflicted by malefic and a malefic sitting in 8th house.
  • Saturn heavily afflicts Jupiter.
  • Jupiter placed in Purvashadha constellation.
  • Jupiter situated in the constellation of Rahu and afflicted by it.
Sign Cancer/Libra/7th house:
  • Two or more malefic planets placed in 7th house or sign Libra.
  • Sign Cancer is heavily afflicted by Saturn.
6th /8th house:
  • 6th lord is placed in 8th house or vice versa.
  • Two or more malefic planets placed in 6th house.
  • Rahu combined with lord of 8th house in 8th house/trine causes diabetes to the native.
  • A very negative malefic planet sitting in 8th house and Jupiter and Venus are heavily afflicted indicates diabetes.
  • Lords of 4th and 7th house are placed in 6th/8th/12 house.
  • Lord of 6th/7th combined with lord of 12th house and aspected by Saturn indicates diabetes disease.
  • Two or more malefic planets placed in watery signs.
  • Lords of 4th and 7th are sitting in inimical signs and aspected by malefic
  • Lord of 3rd combined with mercury and Mars in ascendant indicates diabetes.
  • Mercury posited in the sign of Jupiter [Sagittarius and Pisces] and aspected by Mars may cause diabetes.

Libra Horoscope for July 2011

You'll be taking your worldly responsibilities more seriously and may even feel a bit scrutinized at times. Professionally, it might mean you care more about image and presentation or reliability. Maybe you feel it's important to present a certain standard in your work or your image. In your personal life it may mean you feel you need to show authority or reliability or decisiveness. Some of you will have more contact with a parent or guardian figure, bosses - potential or actual - or others in powerful positions.
From the 3rd the good news is you're likely to have allies who are instrumental in progressing your overall aims and this is a good time to get the right people onside and be rocking and rolling together as Venus at the top of your Solar chart oils the wheels which could improve your standing or inclines others in positions of power be in agreement with your ideas.
Another interpretation is that your image gets a boost and you are seen in a good light by those you wish to impress after the 3rd. Also a great time for negotiations or socializing with people in positions to help you professionally or with your over-arching aims.
Mercury is in a super-sociable area, meaning the mental focus will be on group events and friendships, what you hear on the grapevine could keep you mentally on your toes or feed you useful information. Teamwork or co-ordinating jointly with others is well favoured. Mars encourages travel or connecting with foreign cultures, and, overall, wider communications are favoured and higher studies, teaching or guiding could be part of the picture. You'll be feeling more enthusiastic about what you are learning and wanting to launch into new things physically or mentally.
You will have a bountiful ally in Jupiter over the next nearly 12 months who will underpin influences which could give you a financial boost, or provide other helpful resources. It could translate as property, funding or equipment which is bought, lent, or leased. Or you could do well with a sale or deal of some kind. This also could compute as more moral support and a feeling of more security within. So if you are looking to improve things in these areas, over the coming months would be a good time to do so.
Overall, you'll be taking your responsibilities to yourself more seriously with Saturn in your sign until 2012. You'll be feeling sober and cautious enough in your outlook to take whatever careful steps are necessary to lay the foundations for new conditions for a happier, easier life. But nothing happens fast here. Saturn and Pluto will incline you to contour things in a way which mirrors more authentically where you are at your emotional roots. But you'll have to stick with it and navigate a few obstacles some of which could be health related.
Over this long period, through your choices, you should be building your life in a way which marries what you know you need to do for yourself to grow and flourish with the wellbeing, relationship, or location on the map which mirrors this. Saturn rules TIME and small, careful steps are the only way to go with this vibration. However, the rewards can be huge if you keep the faith and hold the vision you wish to manifest.
Uranus will be transiting your opposite sign for many years. During that time through partnerships and other close relationships, your life will be changing in ways which surprise even you. You will have to be flexible and open-minded as you adapt to a changing dynamic in working or personal relationships. You may have to be ultra-flexible from time to time but this is the spirit of revolution which facilitates your evolution and is part of a significant growth process even though it may be unpredictable at times. It's likely you will have a relationship with an unusual or talented person. Or more interaction with a special group. Librans born in the first week and Libra rising the first 7 degrees will feel this vibration most strongly over June.
Neptune moved temporarily into Pisces in April meaning the confusions and let downs in romantic relationships over the previous decade should begin to clear away. Also any blurring of boundaries affecting the young ones in your life. The new position of Neptune will bring more empathy or spirituality into the services you provide to others and you may be playing a supportive role. It can also work that you get more chance to be imaginative and creative in your work. Librans born in the first 2 days and Libra rising the first 1 degree will feel this vibration most strongly this month.
Pluto's influence at the root of your chart will, over a number of years, bring major de-structuring and re-structuring at the foundations of your life and also to the dynamics in family relationships and community relationships at times over this long transit.

Astrology And The Twelve Zodiacs

The effect of twelve signs (Rashis) and planets has been described in various classical books of Astrology. It is very difficult for any one to go through these entire books in detail as it will be very time consuming and laborious work. In this book it will be very time consuming and laborious work. In this book it has been tried that signification and effect of all twelve signs may be presented so that reader may get each and every information all together. Before taking up the main work, it will be useful for the readers to have some idea of the Zodiac, the twelve parts of the zodiac viz., the signs.
Knowing characteristics of the different zodiac signs can give one an advantage with your relations with people around him/her. Astrological signs traits are different for each sign and if one understand the way their personalities are, he/she can get a heads up on their personality traits and it makes it easier to understand why people do the things they do. Zodiac signs information is very useful for relationships. A male and female of certain zodiac signs have different ways of interacting with their partner. If one is in a romantic relationship, understanding zodiac signs will make him/her easy to see why his/her partner gets jealous or why he or she is emotionally cold. It is nothing but the personality traits and particular characteristics of their astrology sign. Especially in India where we are live in a place that has four seasons, you may be acutely aware of changes in your energy, emotions, sleep patterns, and ambitions as the seasons change. The astrological sings represent that cycle of evolution of energy.
Learn as much as you can about the traits of the different zodiac signs and make your life flow smoother because you understand the motives behind Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. Astrology signs also help you understand yourself, know why you are so attached to your possessions or why you are so emotional. Get to know yourself better through astrology characteristics interpretation. Simply read the name of the astrology sign to begin your investigation.
Let us have a look now into the specifics of each astrological sign and how that might apply to us. In this book I have tried my best to explain the significations of each sign and their lord in detail like nature of they native, his/her physical structure, and nature in general as well as specific in case of man, woman and child, health, eating habits, marriage life etc. Lets first discuss some details about zodiac.
The Zodiac is an egg shaped circle of space surrounding the earth. It may be imagined as a belt in the heavens about 12 degrees wide in which the planets travel. It is the Sun's apparent path that is called the ecliptic. The zodiacal circle is divided into twelve equal parts and each part containing thirty degrees of space called the signs of the Zodiac.

Thursday 23 June 2011

Useful Tips For Commercial Photography

9 techniques of commercial photography can be used to develop the products and services of your business. Retailers, whether catalogue or on-line, must understand the importance of uploading attractive photographs of their products and services to promote their business.
An attractive quality image always catches the attention of the customer's eye and convinces him to buy your product. The influence a good quality image of a product has on the customer cannot be undervalued and must be recognized.
Techniques that will help to make your product or service prominent and different from all other products in the market and are as follows:
- There is false concept that a professional commercial photography costs too high. But it is suggested that you must consult multiple local professional commercial photographers and get quotations from them for your work.
- Do your research and outline the products you want to photograph and decide its layout and background.
- If there is a definite budget to get the work done within, you must mention this to your commercial photographer right away. So that he will keep the budget in his mind and will work within your definite budget and will direct you to the best possible method.
- You must outline your targeted market and your product detail and price. This will facilitate the commercial photographers in designing the catalogs or the website.
- Product photography can be regarded in two different ways. First way is to capture the individual image on a grey, black or a white background that focuses on the product only and prominent its features without unnecessary details. The second way to capture a shot is by placing a product in a specific environment or location that boosts the product's purposes.
- Take cuttings, which attracted you, out of the magazines, particularly of your rivals in market. It will help you in deciding your course.
- If your business has an existing catalogue then your commercial photographer must examine that, before he can decide the look and the way in which he can work on portraying the requirements of your brand.
- Set up a sensible proportion of a budget for this purpose as the commercial photography will influence the way your customers thinks and will convince him to buy your product.
- In business, understanding the importance of the correct shot means that you have understood the crux of the marketing strategy in the business and this will lead to increased turnover and brand development

What Exactly Is Infrared Photography?

Infrared photography or IR photography has offered a complete new dimension to this field. Nowadays, many professional photographers are using infrared to create a completely different effect in a simple photograph. IR photography is completely different from any other types of photography and it requires special films for capturing the light effect needed for using this technology.
At A Glance
Infrared photography refers to a special type of photography, which uses films, which have infrared light sensitivity. By using infrared lights in a photograph one can bring special effects like false colors in a simple portrait.
When you are learning about the basics of infrared photography, you should also note that this type of photographs have the ability of penetrating light fog and haze in a successful way, to bring out a clear image. The wavelength of these photographs is also longer compared to visible light, which helps in obtaining a clearer image in spite of the pollution or dusts present in the air. Another major advantage of using infrared rays is it never produces any false color in black and white image until photographer selects the option of doing so. Though the use of IR technology has remained vital for black and white photography, it has become almost obsolete for color photography.
Different Types of Infrared Photography
Infrared photography has evolved greatly with time. Several new developments have taken place in this field and taking a glance through the different types of infrared photography is worth.
Analog IR photography refers to the sub-division of infrared photography, which requires films that have stray light sensitivity. Someone who wants to practice Analog IR photography needs to use MACO IR820C or Kodak HIE Infrared films for the work, as these two films only offer sensitivity to stray lights. Before taking a snap, one should also ensure that mechanical frame counter is there in the camera.
This is considered to be more popular than the Analog IR photography. Cameras, which are meant for digital IR photography comes with sensors that are highly sensitive to the infrared radiations. Sometimes, these cameras come with "IR Cut-off Filter" or "Hot Mirror" for blocking radiations, which can affect the image.
Though digital photography and HDR photography is now ruling the market, one cannot ignore the importance of infrared photography. For some applications, infrared photography is still considered to be the best choice.
  • One of the most important applications of infrared photography is taking snaps in a dark room.
  • Capturing wildlife at nighttime in complete darkness.
  • Create a chalky appearance on the photograph by using IR photography in outdoors or indoors with the availability of clear lights.
  • Capturing images during the state of war, where light availability is reduced during the night time

How To Decide On Art Supplies

Purchasing art materials can be hard if you are an aspiring artist because there are so many products to choose from.
There are numerous retailers that supply cheap art materials which are ideal for children but not appropriate for aspiring artists who require high calibre products so you must be prepared to research what you need.
The cost of an item is not always representative of its quality as sometimes inexpensive paper products can work as well as the more premium priced brands but this not the case for all supplies.
If you are in the market for a paint brush, then you should prepare to pay more this type of product because price does normally indicate quality as a cheap brush can vary differently to an expensive one.
Buying a cheap brush may negatively affect the outcome of a painting so you may have to pay more but if you are unsure that it is always advisable to consult a shop assistant or art expert.
If it is your first time working with certain paints or a specific medium, then it is recommended not to spend too much as you may not be convinced that your style will suit this product and vice versa.
Amateur artists may benefit the most from buying cheaper supplies as they will still be in the process of developing their abilities before embarking on their first masterpiece using top quality materials.
Those painters that are serious about their products can still find supplies at reasonable prices as it is still possible to discover discounts in the current economic climate.
There is no reason why you cannot save money on the more expensive art brands as retailers are keener to encourage purchases in a recession as they require a regular income to keep on trading.
One way to make significant savings is by purchasing products in bulk as this will provide greater value for money compared to buying specific supplies regularly over a longer period of time.
It is also possible to take advantage of seasonal sales which are common around major holidays and term times when art students go back to study their subject in college or university.
Signing up to newsletters and participating in social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook is another great way to be informed of upcoming deals that are appropriate to you.
Before you make that final purchase decision you should think hard about the quality of the item and whether it would be better to part with more money for a higher calibre product that will last longer